Meet Kelly Bergsma, (a former Acting Classes In Perth student) and learn how she used Loren's 3 PILLARS OF SUCCESS to secure two seasons working in Vancouver on the #1 Rated US TV Series - ARROW, plus learn how she built a highly profitable small business at the same time. Plus, it allowed Kelly to earn over $130,000 within just 1-year of starting.
Let Kelly & Loren Show You HowYOU CAN DO IT TOO at this FREE EVENT.
Join Kelly & Loren at this FREE EVENT on either Saturday 8th July, 2017 (9:30am to 12:30pm) or Friday 14th July, 2017 (6:30pm to 9:30pm) at our Drama Studio in Victoria Park and learn how you can take back control of your life and achieve some phenomenal success and personal growth in your acting and life!
By the end of this FREE EVENT you will have enough information to re-ignite your life, your passions, and work towards your ultimate achievement, success and happiness!