FREE 'Online' Acting Classes In Perth
The Top 3 Things An Actor Must Do To Succeed
Video Transcript:
Hi everyone and welcome, it’s Loren here from Acting Classes In Perth. In this FREE Online Acting Class, The Top 3 Things An Actor Must Do To Succeed
First of all, I want you to focus on your drive, your passion, your determination and also work on your resilience to keep pushing through when you have some times that might be a little more difficult like when you might not get a role that you really wanted and so forth.
2.Set Goals:
I also want for you to set benchmarkable goals with deadlines that you can work towards. Now, make sure that they are achievable and they are realistic and finally develop good processes in achieving those benchmarkable goals. So you can help yourself get to where you are going even sooner.
3.Work Smart:
Yes, you need to work hard but you also need to work smart.
From myself and the team here at Acting Classes In Perth, have a great week ahead. Until we see you again soon, happy acting.
Hi everyone and welcome, it’s Loren here from Acting Classes In Perth. In this FREE Online Acting Class, The Top 3 Things An Actor Must Do To Succeed
First of all, I want you to focus on your drive, your passion, your determination and also work on your resilience to keep pushing through when you have some times that might be a little more difficult like when you might not get a role that you really wanted and so forth.
2.Set Goals:
I also want for you to set benchmarkable goals with deadlines that you can work towards. Now, make sure that they are achievable and they are realistic and finally develop good processes in achieving those benchmarkable goals. So you can help yourself get to where you are going even sooner.
3.Work Smart:
Yes, you need to work hard but you also need to work smart.
From myself and the team here at Acting Classes In Perth, have a great week ahead. Until we see you again soon, happy acting.